Offer Details
Volkswagen Touareg Diesel Estate 3.0 V6 TDI 4Motion 286 Black Edition 5dr Tiip Auto |
Contract Type | Contract Hire | |
Annual Mileage | 6,000 | |
Contract Period | 60 Months | |
Options Included |
Solid Paint |
Business Users | ||
Initial Rental | £2,930.88 + VAT | |
59 Monthly Rentals | £488.48 +VAT | |
Excess mileage | 15.19 pence per mile | |
Personal Users | ||
(Please Enquire) |
Quote date: 12/12/2024
Excess mileage and damage charges may apply on the return of vehicles outside of the prescribed condition as per BVRLA's Fair Wear & Tear Guide.
These quotes are valid for up to 28 days, However, funders rates and manufacturer pricing may be subject to change. Please enquire for an official quote.All offers are subject to VAT at the current rate, terms and conditions, underwriting acceptance and availability. Quotation based on 6000 miles per annum. Alternative specifications, profiles, initial rental and funding methods are available; please ask for details? Pictures are for illustration purposes only.